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Leading strategic decision-making with data and technology

Smart decision-making has taken Amazon from a garage-based start-up to a leader in the technology, retail and content industries. As the company has grown, so has the need for sophisticated approaches and systems for answering business questions. Economists partner with business, engineering, finance, and science leaders to plough through petabytes of data in order to find solutions to problems which impact many millions of global customers.

Economists at Amazon apply scientific techniques and develop complex, large-scale models that address key business problems faced across Amazon’s many organisations, including retail, cloud computing, search, Kindle, streaming video and operations. Whether your background is in applied micro, applied macro/time series, empirical IO, theoretical econometrics, or another specialised area, there is a huge volume of questions to which you can apply your training, and an abundance of data to leverage. We have roles within the Central Economics Team as well as embedded within business organisations. Regardless of where you work at Amazon, you’ll collaborate with Chief Economist Pat Bajari and a large community of extremely talented PhD economists to address some of the most challenging problems in tech and ecommerce.

At Amazon, you’ll have the opportunity to take your skills and apply them directly to business problems with large and immediate business impacts – and never struggle to source high quality data for your analysis again.

Economists at Amazon

Economists at Amazon

When you operate at the scale of Amazon, even small changes can yield big results.

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