十分简单! 首先,搜索一个职位。然后,按照屏幕上的指示操作,或者查看“如何申请”页面。
为什么我必须创建一份独立的申请资料—为什么我不能使用自己的 Amazon 客户登录信息?
访问 亚马逊面试 ,了解申请和面试过程的每个步骤,从完成在线申请到准备电话和面对面访谈。
要了解有关我们仓库和运营中心员工职位的更多信息,请访问 amazondelivers.jobs。
I already have an amazon.jobs account, so why do I need to reset my password?
We've improved the sign-in experience, and we want to make sure you're able to access all of our features. Resetting your password will allow you to see our updates.
I have multiple email addresses associated with my applications. Can I merge my accounts?
No. If you have different accounts associated with different applications, you'll need to access your applications using your corresponding accounts.
I don't have an email address. Can I create an account using my phone number?
No. At this time, amazon.jobs only supports sign-in using a valid email address. In the near future, however, you'll be able sign in to amazon.jobs using your phone number.
I forgot my amazon.jobs password. How do I recover it?
Click 'Forgot password' on the sign-in screen and enter your username.
I forgot my amazon.jobs username. How do I recover it?
Sign in with your current email address.
What can I access with my amazon.jobs account?
You can access your applicant profile, view your application info, and check your application status.
Do I have to upload my resume/CV using a cloud service?
No. You can upload your resume/CV using a cloud service or you can upload it from your device.
Can I upload a resume/CV and use my LinkedIn profile?
Yes. You can use LinkedIn as an alternative to uploading a traditional resume/CV during profile creation. We only accept one resume per applicant, so select the option that works best for you.
My application status hasn't changed. Who can I contact for an update?
Your dashboard is regularly updated to display the status of your applications. When an application status changes, your dashboard is updated in almost real-time.
When does my application move from Active to Archived?
An application is considered active as long as a final decision hasn't been made. If you withdraw your application, are hired for a role, or are no longer under consideration, your application will be archived.
Can I apply to multiple roles?
Yes. Please apply to roles that align with both your interests and skillset. You'll be evaluated against the requirements for each role and may interview for different roles at the same time.
Where can I find the status of my application? When will I hear back?
You can see the status of your application in the candidate portal. If you applied for a tech role in North America, check the status of your application here. For all other roles, check the status of your application here. We review applications on a rolling basis and will contact you if we're interested in moving forward.
I was referred for a role by a current Amazonian. What do I do now?
If you're referred to an open role, a recruiter will reach out to have you complete your application via amazon.jobs. If your application is selected for further review, we will contact you.
当然! 请访问我们的“福利”页面,以查看部分福利内容。
作为给予平等机会的雇主,亚马逊集团公司致力于招聘多元化的员工群体并且致力于实行无障碍招聘流程。为了确保向 1973 年《康复法案》第 503 章、《1974 年越战退伍军人辅助法》以及《1990 年美国伤残法案》(修订版)第一章规定所保护的个人提供合理的便利设施,在针对已发布职位的求职申请流程中需要便利设施的人士可以拨打 +1 866-437-9078 联络我们获取帮助。
有关更多信息,请访问我们的 住宿页面。
贵公司位于什么地方? 我是否需要搬到西雅图才能在亚马逊工作?
亚马逊旗下的公司已经加入电子身份认证系统。电子身份认证是一种基于网络的系统,允许雇主使用员工 I-9 表格中的报告信息确定员工是否符合在美国就业的资格。电子身份认证系统能够同时向社会安全局 (SSA) 和国土安全部 (DHS) 确认员工的就业资格。如需了解更多信息,请访问 USCIS 电子身份认证网站。
我们不收取任何雇佣费用,与我们合作的招聘合作伙伴同样也不收取任何雇佣费用。亚马逊是机会均等的雇主。雇佣决策作出的依据是价值。此外,我们不会因雇佣目的而要求您向银行账户支付任何可退还的保证金。我们希望候选人谨防具有误导性的通讯,并且不要向任何假托参加亚马逊面试程序或寻求在亚马逊就业之借口的个人/机构/就业门户支付任何费用/保证金。这些都属欺诈性质。任何与上述个人/机构/就业门户交易的人员都将对自己的行为自担风险,亚马逊不会为就此直接或间接产生的损失或损毁负责。这种伪造的工作邀约、聘书不应视为亚马逊的任何邀约或陈述。请注意,亚马逊不会从 Hotmail、雅虎、Gmail 或任何其他公共电子邮件帐户发送录用通知书或索取费用来换取聘用/面试。如果您收到此类邮件,请不要支付任何费用或保证金。如果您已付款,请向当地警方报案,以采取必要的法律行动。
您可以点击此处的链接来查看海报: 同等就业机会即是法律 及 补充。
What do I do if I suspect a fraudulent source is offering me a job at Amazon?
Please be cautious of scams that offer unauthorized Amazon employment opportunities. Our recruiters who contact candidates—whether via text, call, or email—will never ask for banking information or request an enrollment fee. We encourage those who think they may have been contacted by a fraudulent source offering a job on behalf of Amazon to report it via http://www.amazondelivers.jobs/contactus. We actively investigate reported employment scams, and as a result, dozens of fraudulent recruiting websites have been taken down.
股票分割对我的录用通知书中 RSU 有何影响?
5月25 日,亚马逊的股东批准了对公司普通股按照 20:1 进行分割。如果您在 2022 年 6 月 3 日当天或之前收到包含有 RSU 的录用通知书,则通知书中所述 RSU 为分割前的数字。当 RSU 在您的账户中可见时,将可见分割调整后的数量。如果您在 2022 年 6 月 3 日之后收到录用通知书,RSU 已进行了分割调整,这意味着您的录用通知书中所述 RSU 将与您在亚马逊股票账户中看到的总数量一致。
Student Questions
请访问amazon.jobs 以了解更多提供给在校学生及和应届毕业生的工作机会。有关亚马逊社招职位的申请和面试问题,请参阅Amazon.jobs career site FAQs 中的常见问题解答。
What roles does Amazon recruit students for?
We recruit and hire undergraduate and graduate students, as well as recent graduates, for internship and full-time opportunities across all lines of business (e.g., Amazon Studios, Prime Video, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Consumer, Devices and Services, Human Resources, Operations, etc.). Roles include: software development engineers, support engineers, product managers, operations managers, applied scientists, vendor managers, financial analysts, and more.
In what countries does Amazon hire students?
We recruit for internships and full-time roles in more than 40 countries across the Americas, Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa.
Should I apply for an internship or wait to apply for a full-time role?
We recommend applying for an internship to gain valuable work experience and learn first-hand what it’s like to work at Amazon, but we still welcome applications for full-time roles.
Is there an application deadline for full-time or internship positions?
There are no application deadlines for internships and full-time positions; however, we encourage students to apply in late summer or early autumn to increase the likelihood of interviewing for an open role. To learn more and apply, visit the Opportunities for Students page.
Post-Government Employment
I'm in the military. Am I considered a government employee?
Yes. Members of the military including those in the National Guard and Reserve are considered government employees for the purpose of your job application.
I'm a contractor and I'm paid by a private company; however, I work with a government agency. Am I a government employee?
No. However, restrictions may apply depending on your role with your employer and your level of engagement with the government. If Amazon extends an offer of employment to you, you're not permitted to disclose non-public information gained from your prior employer in your work with Amazon. Restrictions may also apply if you're working with an intelligence agency. Contact your current employer if you have any questions regarding any restrictions that may apply to you.
How do I determine if I'm restricted from seeking employment or having employment discussions with Amazon or its subsidiaries?
You may be restricted from having employment discussions with Amazon or its subsidiaries if you're participating in, or have oversight or responsibility over, an Amazon matter; are participating, or previously participated, in a government acquisition involving Amazon or its subsidiaries; or have a financial interest in Amazon, including through a family member. To learn how the rules apply to your specific situation, please consult your employer’s ethics officer.
Do the government restrictions on seeking employment apply to submitting an application and/or sending my resume/CV to Amazon?
The restrictions on seeking outside employment apply broadly. Please consult your employer’s ethics officer before applying for a job with Amazon if you have any questions or concerns.
How do I know if I work for an intelligence agency?
The list of organizations with an intelligence component is provided by the Office of the Director of National Intelligence. You can find the list here.
How do I know if I am a 'senior' or 'very senior' government employee?
'Senior' employees are those paid more than a GS-15 level, officers in the uniformed services above a level O-7, and certain presidential or vice-presidential appointees. Please contact your government agency’s ethics official for more info if you're unsure of whether you qualify as a senior employee.
'Very senior' employees include the Vice President, employees who occupy positions paid at the Executive Level I or certain Executive Level II rates of pay, and certain presidential or vice-presidential appointees. Please contact your government agency’s ethics official for more info if you're unsure of whether you qualify as a very senior employee.
Account Login
什么是多因素身份验证 (MFA)?
多因素身份验证 (MFA) 为您的账户增添了一层额外的安全保障。对于 Amazon.jobs MFA,这意味着您需要提供两种类型的验证:您的常规密码和发送到您的电子邮件的一次性验证码 (OTP)。
此网站上必须启用 MFA 吗?我可以选择不启用 MFA 吗?
您可以选择在 Amazon.jobs 账户设置中启用或禁用 MFA。但是,对于某些任务,无论在您的账户中 MFA 的设置如何,每次登录都强制执行 MFA。
如何在我的账户上启用 MFA?
您可以在您的 Amazon.jobs 账户设置中启用或禁用 MFA。启用后,您将在下次登录时,通过电子邮件收到 OTP 验证码。
如果我没有收到 OTP 验证码电子邮件该怎么办?
如果您没有收到 OTP 验证码电子邮件,请检查您的垃圾邮件箱,并将该电子邮件地址添加到安全发件人列表中。如果垃圾邮件箱中没有该邮件,您可以使用身份验证界面上的“发送新的验证码”选项来请求新的验证码。
如果我输入的 OTP 验证码不正确会怎样?
如果我的 OTP 验证码不再有效怎么办?
如果我仍然无法完成 OTP 验证码的验证怎么办?
如果您在验证 OTP 验证码时遇到问题,您可以选择创建一个新账户来继续求职。